English Bulldog Reproduction


1. Careful Selection of Breeders.



The English Bulldog, with its distinctive appearance and affectionate nature, is a breed that requires a special approach in its breeding. Unlike in the wild, where dogs mate naturally, breeding bulldogs involves human intervention and scientific techniques. Here we will see in a brief summary how this unique breed reproduces.

  • Breeding begins with the meticulous selection of breeding stock. Breeders must choose specimens with strict criteria and a clear vision for the improvement of the breed.
  • The aim is to use only specimens free of hereditary diseases for reproduction.
  • A very important point is to foresee the blood relationship and the percentage of genetics that each parent will contribute (usually it is 80% mother and 30% father in general, there are certain males that transmit and regulate genetics in that case they are males that transmit 50% to 70% of what the father is like). of crossing a good breeder can foresee this.

2. Determination of the Moment of Greatest Fertility

  • It is very important to determine what type of heat our bulldog has. There are heats that are: 1) short, 2) normal, 3) long, 4) without bleeding. 5)discontinued
  • Ovulation is key in reproduction. Dogs ovulate 48 to 72 hours after the luteinizing hormone (LH) rise.
  • To detect the optimal moment, methods such as vaginal cytology, measurement of progesterone in the blood and ultrasound diagnosis are used.
  • In our case we also use the Dramiensky that detects the moment of ovulation as an aid to better determine the moment of ovulation of the bulldog dog.

3. Conception methods in the bulldog

  • Within all the methods, the breeder has to choose the best procedure that the ovulating female best requires.
  • It is also important to consider very well the professionals who will perform the procedure, scheduling the date with the professionals who are actually available.
  • that the selected male has not recently performed semen extraction (hours or days before) because she could have low semen production due to wear and tear.
  • that the selected male is not taking medication that generates azoosperm.
  • When the female is in heat and her progesterone level reaches its maximum, the male’s semen is collected and vaginal or intrauterine insemination is performed.
  • The English bulldog is preferably reproduced by artificial methods (insemination, intrauterine implantation, which is the method used in the video). We have clients who have left their puppies alone and have become pregnant naturally (the natural way is not the most used by the breeders).

4. Monitoring and Care of the Pregnant Woman

  • Once pregnant, its duration is 60 days, the female undergoes ultrasounds and check-ups to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
  • Since bulldog puppies have large heads, delivery is usually done by cesarean section to avoid complications

5. Postpartum Care

  • Female bulldogs are large and clumsy, which is why they tend to crush the puppies if the mother and her puppies are left alone together. After birth, a person must take extensive care of the puppies.
  • This includes cleaning them, feeding them, and providing artificial heat, as females cannot care for them properly due to their size.

In short, English bulldog breeding is a specialized process that combines science and dedication. Committed breeders work hard to ensure the health and well-being of this unique breed. 🐾

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